“There’s no such thing as coincidence. Everything happens when it should be; at the right time and in the right place… As if the world was a carpet woven with countless threads…” Dark
Our minds believe or want to believe that the world and our lives are linear. It’s easier like this. Each event is built on top of another, and life is constantly forming a circle around us. We partner with the illusion that we know is not real. Life is neither linear nor reality is what our eyes see. Accepting is easier than all of them.
“The whole world is a stage, and all the men and women merely actors… They have their exits and their entrances… “ William Shakespeare
Time flows, The people can not hold it or interfere with its flow. The human mind chooses to take the elapsed time linear because our life does not want and accept reality. People do not tire of repeating themselves. The result of expecting different results by doing the same things over and over: it’s just a waste of time. However, the time is limited, scarce and irreversible.
Freedom; self-expression and writing as a copy of what people hold in their minds are a way out of ordinary for individuals. Every success, every important day, or our dreams can only be immortal when it is written. Everything that is not written is doomed to be lost to time and forgotten. In the very speed of life, People cannot see what is in front of its eye, its world slows down when people start writing, looks again and travels with an eye he/she doesn’t look around and as another person.
That is why every article was written and every content produced is your legacy to the world in your struggle with time and life and sooner or later, people will read your ideas and they will leave a mark and an effect on the person reading it. The idea will grow over time and become a bigger idea. Ideas grow like this.
Writings reach people. Maybe not right now, but it will surely reach. People see the world through the eyes of another person. Maybe they find their problems, maybe stories that are not spoken or maybe find their own solution. Writing is always like a light. It is never known how much this light will grow when it reaches other individuals and from whom to reach. The lights, which seem difficult from a distance, grow with a collective mind and draw a new future for people and society. That’s why people should write…
“You dream hundreds every day and none of them come true; But one day you live a reality, it does not fit into any imagination. Feel your soul and revive.” Paul Auster
A person who stuck in dreams and reality thinks too much, but cannot express himself/herself. Most of the time the person cannot find an opportunity, but when he/she finds an opportunity, he/she cannot put the right words together. The life of people beings is known, their dreams are huge, and their reality is equally brutal. While it is not possible to make a difference with the reality in your hand, living with dreams is called dreaminess. What is offered to the person is a dream. Writing, on the other hand, is when people express themselves and build their dreams with words.
People often reproach because they have nothing to write about and live a normal life. Everyone has similar lives, but the important thing is to be aware of their life. The important thing is not to tell a day as it is but to be engraved on people’s minds. For this reason, it is not valuable of the interestingness of the day, what is valuable is to be in the precious moment and to be able to absorb it. It’s never too late to start writing a new day and blog post today!…
“History-writing is a way of getting rid of the past.” Goethe
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Note: This article was previously published on the Medium site.