The big discussion about homework flares up again and again, primarily in the Anglo-Saxon world, but the topic is also hot in Hungary: teachers, students, educators and parents have their own experiences and strong opinions on the subject. This is due to the fact that there are few thorough studies and comprehensive scientific publications on this topic. Also, how do we look at the institution of homework, what do we expect from it in the public education system - extremely underpaid in international comparison - as a teacher, as a father who wants the best for his child, or as a citizen of a democratic country. society is changing rapidly.

You won't know better Based on a meta-analysis of scientific publications in English, it can be said that in general, a home task, that is, a learning activity that is performed outside the classroom after a lesson, mainly needs independent or minor help from an essay helper, and is also built in a certain way in response to student assessment, positively affects the success of student learning in general, is not as unambiguous as it seems to us.
A positive relationship between homework and performance can be shown in high school, and in math, for example, more homework is associated with better PISA scores.
In the younger and 6-12 age groups, it is practically absent.
At this age, students cannot complete tasks without significant help from teachers or parents, and they have not yet developed the ability to concentrate. If, in addition, excessive parental expectations are related to homework, then many lessons will negatively affect student performance.
On the other hand, it cannot be said that a large amount of homework is in itself detrimental to the well-being, mental well-being and satisfaction of students. In addition, it can be seen that there is no strong relationship between academic performance, study time and students' quality of life.
According to another approach, however, homework in elementary school can still be useful, only this benefit appears somewhere and is less measurable: for example, it can contribute to the development of a student's sense of responsibility, the ability to solve problems independently and an effective daily routine that will bring immediate benefit in the future.
We can't deny the importance of home work because this helps to improve the hand writing but also so much home work can also burdenised the students.
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