In cooking, and a variety of other contexts, a volume unit that is not based on scientific research but that is widely used is referred to as a tablespoon. It is the name of a measuring utensil that is used in the culinary arts. One tablespoon is equal to one-sixteenth of a cup. However, in many parts of the world, a large spoon that is used for eating is referred to as a tablespoon even though the exact definition of a tablespoon is a serving spoon.
The milliliter is the unit of measurement that is represented by the letters "mL" in standard American use. The word "one thousandth" is what the prefix "milli-" really refers to. The metric system, which is the prevalent method of measuring across the majority of the world, provides us with the milliliter as a unit of measurement. There is no difference between one milliliter and another milliliter.
14.7868 milliliters is the exact volume that one tablespoon contains (ml in SI). Which is often rounded up to 15 ml most of the time.